Michael and I wrote our own vows for our wedding. He waited until the last minute and knew exactly what to say. I had mine done 2 months before and I struggled with every word I put on paper. Me. The writer.
Looking back I realize now that the reason I rewrote my vows to Michael so many times was because God was making sure I meant every word I said to him. My vows ended up taking the format of an essay because Mississippi College trained me to write everything with an introduction, three points, and a conclusion. And apparently, I couldn't break the habit with my vows.
I promised to follow Michael wherever the Lord lead him (knowing we had a 12month lease on an apartment in MS, I was pretty sure the Lord was leading him there). I promised to support Michael's dreams and goals (not sure what those looked like at the time, but we had a lease so...). And, I promised to trust Michael with the decisions of our family (and we'd be in MS with all my people so trusting him was easy).
The day we got back from our honeymoon Michael got a call from a cousin who owns a very successful business. This cousin offered Michael a job as productions manager of the business and offered to train Michael in different areas of small business ownership. My husband was elated and formulated all the questions and thought about every possibility. This seemed like the very thing Michael had been praying for! The catch? Moving to Florida the very next week.
The day our marriage turned 2 weeks old, we pulled the trigger on this adventure and agreed to move. I then spent the next week crying and packing and saying goodbyes and packing and crying. Michael worked hard to break the lease on the apartment and tie up loose ends with his job. I tied up loose ends with my job...one I loved so very much. And with this decision God reminded me daily of the promises I had made to Michael. God kept asking me if I truly meant I'd follow my husband anywhere (even when it meant 10hours away from MS), if I truly meant I'd support his dreams (even when those dreams meant leaving a job I loved), and if I truly meant I trusted him with every decision (even when the decision was to pack up our little family and launch into the unknown). Through tears I replied "yes" to all of those reminders. What Michael couldn't do for our family, God could. And with those two fighting for me and protecting me, I had nothing to worry about.
So, we are approaching our 2 month anniversary and we are thriving in Florida. I've had days where I questioned Michael's decision and asked why he got to live out his dream. I've had times of anger at being so far away from all of my people and having to learn a new place. But, God has been quick to deal with my attitudes and show me the goodness in being here. Michael has learned so much and is happy to be at work every. single. day. Our marriage has grown so deep so quickly. And I have a new understanding of what it means to fully trust the Lord and my husband.
I have a new found reverence for what happens at the alter when a man and a woman pledge themselves to each other in the presence of God. Marriage, the commitment it holds, is not something to be trifled with. God shows up so strong and so real when sinners saved by grace work hard to live a marriage pleasing to Him. It is an awesome thing to be apart of!