Friday, December 30, 2016

Flossing Pep-Talks

Me: *yelling in a stern 'man' voice. Attempting to sound like a coach. "Come on Shepherd!" "You can do it!" "I know you can floss better than that!" "You gotta dig deep, man! DEEP!"
Him: *just simply continuing to floss as if the arms of a woman were not wrapped around his middle and she was not yelling in his ears. Occasionally smiling or shaking his head and laughing at the nonsense.

This is happiness. This is what my life has consisted of for several months now. Pure. Simple. Happiness. Happiness (for me anyways) is being able to be my complete self around other people without fear of losing their affection. Even if that self consists of messy hair, loud laughs, extremely silly faces, and wild imagination! With the man I call my best friend, I am able to be as much of myself as I can!

My best friend is named Michael Shepherd. He is a monster of a man in size, mind, and heart! His wisdom far exceeds mine (for which I am SO grateful!) and he regularly uses that wisdom to lead and direct me. This man has known me since I was 14 years old...and for some reason he's still around. My relationship with this man has definitely been a testament to God's goodness and blessing in my life.
When I was the age of 16, dear Michael and I attempted to be in a relationship....I say attempted because I was a total brat to him and immaturity abounded. We then went through an awkward, avoidance stage where we knew of each other's existence yet didn't care and didn't quite know how to act around each other. To be honest, I don't remember that stage at all! I was so annoyed with him that I have removed those years from my memory. But anyway, by the grace and goodness of God, he and I reconnected several months ago and decided to begin a relationship. Thankfully I had changed since my 16 year old self and we both had had to be adults. Now, being seniors in college and somewhat having our lives together (Ha. Ha. Ha.), we are attempting to do life side-by-side. It has been the biggest blessing in my life! Everything is an adventure with him, and it is so happy to have known each other for so long and to see the growth and maturity and the life experience. There is so much more to the man I completely blew off 5 years ago. I am learning something new about him each day I get to be a part of his life.
Every once in a while it hits me that this is the guy I grew up with all those years ago. I am floored at how much we've changed, yet stayed the same. The qualities that attracted me to him in the beginning have grown and developed in amazing ways.

This amazes me. To be with someone I never would have thought about dating. His love amazes me. He overwhelms me with Christlike love and selflessness. He loves me for my wild woman self (as mentioned earlier). He loves me when I purposefully sing off key (very loudly), when I snore while napping, when I put my cold hands on his back to warm them, and when I make the most horrendous faces! He considers me beautiful even on my worst days. He holds me and lets me cry when I need it (even if he has no clue why I'm crying). This man amazes me.

So, all this to say, my life has taken an unexpected turn and I couldn't be happier! I love everything about this new turn, from the flossing pep-talks to the romantic stargazing adventures. Each day is another adventure I get to share with an excellent human being! I am excited to see where this turn ends up and how many more adventures can be shared with my best friend.

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