Sunday, October 2, 2016

James 1:17

"Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow cast from turning."

Some of my good and perfect gifts from the Lord are my friends. The people I've chosen to do life with. The people who see me as I am and love me anyway.
With my birthday approaching (tomorrow), I have been constantly reminded of how blessed I am by the people in my life. There are no words to describe the joy and adventure my people bring. I am in a constant state of awe when I spend time with them.

They are CRAZY: making me laugh constantly with their wit and humor!!!!

They are kindred spirits: with their dramatic natures and lust for adventure.

They are Life Long: always there whenever called upon. 

These are just a few of my people. The ones I claim as best friends. The ones I open myself up to and allow the chance to see the real me. The ones who party hard, play hard, work hard, and cry hard. The ones I can always count on. I thank God for my people each and every day, because I know they are gifts from Him and Him alone. Every good and perfect gift. 

I am blessed by my good and perfect gifts. Blessed more than I can say. 

Thank y'all for sticking by me all these wild years. The memories we've made will last forever. 

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